LifePath Systems works closely with local media to help educate the public and raise awareness about mental health, substance use, and developmental disabilities. As the designated behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities authority for Collin County, LifePath Systems has knowledge and expertise in suicide prevention and the importance of early intervention and access to care.
Below you will find a list of LifePath Systems media resources for you to use including our style guide, logos, descriptions of services, LifePath’s foundation, and tips for reporting on mental illness and suicide. If you are a member of the press and need immediate assistance with a story, please contact us at 469-534-2468 or
Potential Topics to Cover:
LifePath Systems can help you develop any of these stories.
- People who are living successfully with mental illness
- People who have overcome adversity such as homelessness and are living stable lives and engaged in recovery
- Models and strategies that are helping a community address the issue of mental illness such as mobile crisis outreach teams, veteran’s services, and training such as Mental Health First Aid, Police Training, etc.
- The high numbers of individuals in juvenile and criminal justice systems that have a mental illness
- Suicide prevention
- School-based counseling
- Long waits for Medicaid waiver services for individuals with disabilities
- Supported Employment opportunities for teens and adults with disabilities
- The importance of Early Intervention in children with developmental delays

Reporting on Suicide:
Suicide is a public health issue. Media and online coverage of suicide should be informed by using best practices. Some suicide deaths may be newsworthy. However, the way media cover suicide can influence behavior negatively by contributing to contagion or positively by encouraging help-seeking.